High in the walls is a secret window,
Flooded with light, of cookies and cream.
It opens when it rains, is shut to the sun,
My face will speak your name again tonight,
My eyes will slowly search the dark land then.
The lights of an army on approach glow
Their cannons at the high walls perineum,
Grown filthy in mud and rain; we few
Who call the enemy leaders and say:
"Turn back now and win eternal renown,
For your bravery and feeling of fraternity,
Or face the fury of the seasons, I
Will be the enemy of them who love
Enemies, and knock-out your teeth by club,
And morning-star, though it kills my heart made
With cookies and cream by tears of you're eyes.
Renown you will know, your maimed and bleeding
Bodies pinned to this wall, by forsaken mercy."