“I still like Alice Cooper, ‘In the Dark’
My last copy was lost when my roommate
Got wasted and puked on the coffee-table.
But I want something new for the New Year:
It’s been ages since Marilyn Manson
Got cancelled; it won’t be any of his.
I know what, how about a symphony
By Beethoven? Is there some on the shelf?”
She ran her hand down slowly, “Over here!
It looks from like 7th to 9th is all they have.”
“8th or 9th will do well.” I snuck behind,
And put my hand down low on her white blouse.
She did a little jitter to escape.
“The 9th is fireworks!” “Then the 9th it is.”
We stood in line behind an old lady,
With a few boxes, who was impatiently
Demanding that the cashier put them each
In its own bag. In a moment, I was
The proud owner of my copy: Master
Beethoven would have approved the design:
A picture of an orchestra and choir,
Ringed with silver beech leaves for a frame.
As soon as we’d cleared Security,
We were out the door, headed for the bus
Connection to Lonsdale and 15th Street,
Through the slush and pale sunlight by the mall.
Copyright 2022 Jeffrey Merk