When he was young, his mom got drunk and cried.
His dad smashed the living-room window in,
And came in from outside, where a hard rain
Made the walls wet, came in for more ice-cubes,
The boy watched helplessly from the stairwell.
* * *
His aide promised to control the weather,
With the help of a team of scientists,
But he was perspiring noticeably,
When the four Chinamen entered the room.
‘The Peace Summit begins please take your seats.’
He stuttered and was asked to raise his voice.
‘There’s no way to shut out the rain!’ he cried,
The Asian delegates began to murmur.
When a whole country stands against you call
For your father, you’ll need him by your side,
Let him speak through, ‘It’s the American Way,’
He banged his fist, ‘Or the highway good men!’
Copyright 2022 Jeffrey Merk